Fertility Nutritional Therapist
Eleanor (Eli) Sarre MA MA DipNT mBANT CNHC

Hi I’m Eli,

I’m a qualified and registered Fertility Nutritionist with additional online services to guide you through your nutrition journey.

My passion is working closely with future parents and producing unique and individualised programmes to assist you.

If you are preparing for pregnancy and want to delve deep into natural fertility and nutritional support,

If you are struggling with digestive, hormonal or immune conditions or have a complex mix of concerns,

I am here to support you every step of the way towards your particular health goals.

 My practice methods involve functional testing to find out exactly what is needed for each client and a detailed analysis of symptoms.

I spend my time researching the best in nutritional approaches to hormone health and fertility, gut health and anti-inflammatory foods and can provide eating, lifestyle and supplement advice without the confusion.

My personal food philosophy is that our diets should be as close as possible to their natural state. This means eating the food our bodies have naturally evolved to use as fuel, unprocessed; wild. Depending on our unique health needs, different types of foods can be particularly beneficial for us.

I have a love of food and cooking and enjoy recommending delicious, nutritious and easy to prepare meals. Eating the right food is a way of nourishing and caring for ourselves in the best possible way.


Studying and practicing nutrition has changed my life in every way.

In my 20s I became severely unwell. I had asthma and used to rely on steroid medication. I was in severe digestive pain every day despite the scans and tests coming back clear. My emotional and physical wellbeing was the lowest it had ever been and I was searching for answers.

Thankfully, I discovered nutrition and for the first time in many years I began to understand how to nourish myself and support my health. The gift it has provided has been more powerful than I could imagine.

Beyond that, working with clinic patients was a revelation for me. I remember one of my early clinic patients who was suffering with the most painful psoriasis together with physical and emotional difficulties following a string of traumatic life events. We were able to address both the severity of the skin condition and also make positive changes which resulted in her coming off her antidepressants and finding the energy to move again.

Since that moment I’ve felt incredibly humbled and privileged to witness people transform their health and happiness.


In addition to my in person and online nutrition clinics, I worked with Foresight Preconception at their head office from 2014-2017. For four decades, Foresight pioneered the development of pre-pregnancy and natural fertility support and was there for thousands of clients through conception, pregnancy, birth and post-natal health concerns including unexplained fertility challenges, repeated miscarriage, secondary fertility challenges and low birth weight. The Foresight programme also proved beneficial for mothers and their young children.

I have sought out additional specialist training in fertility nutrition and offer over a decade of clinical experience. I am thrilled to say that I have helped hundreds of clients with this journey. For client stories please see the testimonials page.

Since qualifying as a Nutritional Therapist, I regularly attend further training in gut, hormone and immune health. I have a special interest in nutritional immunology and autoimmune support and am NTEC certified (Nutritional Therapy Education Commission) for Oncology support: “Nutritional support before, during and after treatment and beyond”.

I have written nutrition articles for a wide range of publications including Your Healthy Living and Women’s Fitness, organisations including The College of Naturopathic Medicine, as well as providing content for journalists, probiotic drinks companies, organic food companies, supplement companies and health charities.

“I was looking for a nutritionist who understood not only my symptoms but the complex relationship I had with food.

Eli was knowledgeable, perceptive and supportive and had a genuine enthusiasm for tailoring a nutritional protocol into a delicious plan that matched my lifestyle.

Her advice on allergy testing and supplements was thoughtful and effective. I’m getting control over digestive symptoms that had affected me for years as well as big improvements in energy levels, skin condition and weight control.

Thank you Eli!”

Michelle 2016

“During my treatment for cancer recently, I found Eli Sarre most attentive and professional.

She maintained an on-going brief which was most encouraging when on a low ebb. She prescribed a range of supplements to strengthen my immune system and support me through my recovery from chemo-radiotherapy.

The oncologist was very pleased in his appraisal of my general health throughout the treatment. During this time she encouraged me to get a juicer, and offered guidance on which mixes of green veg and ginger to use, which certainly helped the nausea. This was a new area of nutrition for me, and we juiced nearly every day”.

Pat 2017

“I was very much Interested in trying an holistic approach in trying to treat my ongoing IBS issue.

I’m new client of Eli and found her wealth of knowledge regarding every aspect of nutrition very informative and impressive. I’m slowly implementing the changes on a day to day basis.

I found the relationship between the brain and the stomach very interesting, and particularly how stress plays a big part in the symptoms of IBS.

I’ve noticed that my stomach seems a lot calmer since I’ve cut out Dairy and Gluten from my diet.

Joe 2017

“I first contacted Eli with the hope and aim of improving my health and overall wellbeing.

Following the initial consultation at Yanley Court, Eli has supported me through follow up appointments, emails and phone consultations.

Eli provides solutions that are overall “ideal world” but also provides suggestions / considerations that support the general, realistic western society. This enabled me to gradually make changes and slowly consider my options but also felt no pressure to make drastic lifestyle changes. 

My health has dramatically improved, my knowledge and awareness of what triggers various health issues has improved. I felt the process to be at a pace dictated by me and my lifestyle, which made it much easier. I continually feel supported and know this is something I will maintain but also strive to improve further

I would definitely recommend Wildfare and have done on numerous occasions.

Keep doing what you’re doing Eli, It works!”

Jess 2018


by arrangement